RISD to Install Needlepoint Bipolar Ionizers to Combat the Spread of COVID-19 

With the new school year approaching, parents, students, and staff members want to know what the district will do to help prevent the spread of COVID-19 in our schools? 

In addition to following recommended CDC and TEA measures to combat COVID-19, Raymondville ISD will install Needlepoint Bipolar Ionizers to help stop the spread of the virus. 

RISD has contracted E3, a Texas contractor specializing in HVAC systems, to provide and install new Needlepoint Bipolar Ionizers on all HVAC units in the district beginning in July. HVAC units help maintain healthy indoor environments by cleaning the air with the removal of moisture, airborne bacteria, and carbon dioxide. E3 is an official Texas Association of School Boards (TASB) Partner. 

The Needlepoint Bipolar Ionizer utilizes specialized tubes that take oxygen molecules from the air and converts them into charged atoms. These charged atoms surround and deactivate harmful substances like airborne mold, bacteria, allergens, and viruses. The end result is cleaner and healthier air for occupants to breath in, without the use of harmful chemicals. 

“RISD’s number one priority is to keep our students, staff, and community safe,” said Stetson Roane, Superintendent of schools, “We are a strong community and we will implement a united fight against COVID-19 using the best practices and technology available.” 

Recent studies have shown additional technologies, such as Needlepoint Bipolar Ionizers, when installed on HVAC units can further promote healthy indoor environments by destroying bacteria and viruses in the air. 

“A published article in Business Insider (April 2020) stated the use of Needlepoint Bipolar Ionizers is an active process that provides continuous disinfection," explained RISD Deputy Superintendent Ben Clinton, “It’s a process that will be working day and night to destroy harmful particles in the air and on surfaces. This technology will be installed in every classroom, office, and indoor common areas where students and staff will be. We want everyone entering RISD to feel and be safe.” 

Superintendent Roane added, "This investment in a tested technology is part of our dedicated action plan to provide a safe and comfortable educational work environment for students, staff, and the community.” Links to the Business Insider article and more information about related studies can be found on the Raymondville ISD website. Facilities already using bipolar ionization technology include Johns Hopkins Hospital, The University of Maryland Medical Center, and terminals at LaGuardia, O'Hare, LAX, and San Francisco International Airports Those with questions about the District’s proactive plan are encouraged to contact Mr. Roane at (956-689-8175). 

See links below for more information: 







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